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CQ0PIG-3's UI-View32 Web Server

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The following is a list of all the stations heard on RF in the past 60 minutes.

'+' or '-' before a callsign means that it it is a UI-View station
'*' after a callsign means that it was heard via a digi

The list only includes callsigns heard on RF, direct or via digipeaters. It does not include callsigns heard on the internet, or heard as third-party RF traffic via IGATEs. You can search for other callsigns by inputting them in the box below and clicking the Search button.


There are 35 callsigns in the list, click a callsign to get an information page for that station

CallsignSymbolLocation KmBearingLast heard
 CQ0PAR-3*Digi40.46.93N 008.21.40W182,0334mai 18 14:10
 CQ0PAX-3*Digi38.44.29N 009.08.16W161,1247mai 18 14:00
-CQ0PCB*Home40.12.04N 008.26.74W132,2319mai 18 14:32
 CQ0PCM-3(2) Digi39.18.44N 007.25.44W0,0142mai 18 14:37
 CQ0PCV-3*(S) Digi38.43.82N 009.24.58W183,4250mai 18 14:38
 CQ0PE-3(1) Digi39.18.45N 007.21.30W6,090mai 18 14:25
 CQ0PFO-3*(2) Digi37.19.01N 008.35.42W243,2205mai 18 14:08
 CQ0PLA*(1) Digi37.59.32N 008.41.53W183,3217mai 18 14:39
-CQ0PLO-3Digi40.05.35N 008.10.74W108,2324mai 18 14:39
 CQ0PMJ-3(4) Digi39.10.25N 009.03.03W141,2264mai 18 14:28
 CQ0PQC-13*WX Station38.33.57N 009.02.75W163,2240mai 18 14:02
 CQ0PQC-5*HF Gateway38.33.60N 009.02.75W163,2240mai 18 14:26
 CQ0PSI-3*(S) Digi38.47.17N 009.23.12W179,3252mai 18 14:25
 CQ0PSL-3*(5) Digi38.07.11N 007.26.68W131,9181mai 18 14:36
 CQ0PSM-3*(5) Digi37.06.05N 007.40.50W245,8185mai 18 13:47
 CQ0PSS-3(3) Digi38.44.20N 007.35.01W64,8192mai 18 14:36
-CS5LX*Digi38.43.34N 009.07.74W161,2247mai 18 14:38
 CT1AFS-9*Car40.30.61N 008.24.64W157,9328mai 18 13:59
 CT1EBQ*Home38.42.76N 009.25.38W185,2250mai 18 14:20
 CT1EBQ-13*WX Station38.42.76N 009.25.38W185,2250mai 18 14:29
 CT1EBQ-3*HF Gateway38.42.76N 009.25.38W185,2250mai 18 14:19
 CT1EDG-3*Home38.43.35N 009.24.91W184,2250mai 18 14:33
+CT1END-2*Home38.45.84N 009.16.86W171,7250mai 18 14:38
 CT1ENI-8*Yagi38.36.95N 009.10.53W170,0244mai 18 14:38
 CT1FGS-1*Home38.45.79N 009.12.06W165,2249mai 18 14:36
 CT1FGS-13*WX Station38.45.79N 009.12.06W165,2249mai 18 14:31
 CT1FGS-5*HF Gateway38.45.79N 009.12.06W165,2249mai 18 14:36
 CT2GKS*Home38.43.44N 009.00.25W151,3245mai 18 14:35
 CT2HWP-7*Jeep40.11.92N 008.25.25W130,7320mai 18 14:13
 CT2IKKKenwood39.30.82N 007.38.72W29,8320mai 18 14:21
 CT2IUL-7*Home38.33.43N 008.57.81W157,3239mai 18 14:36
 CT2IUV*Home41.09.2 N 008.40.0 W230,5333mai 18 14:00
 EA1AHP-1*WX Station40.56.85N 005.40.75W235,039mai 18 14:26
 ED4YAO-1*(I) Digi40.00.86N 006.04.12W140,356mai 18 14:33
 ED4ZAJ-3*Digi40.19.20N 003.46.17W332,469mai 18 14:29

This page has been accessed 80 times.
It was last modified 2003-ago-09 20:51:04 UTC