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CQ0PIG-3's UI-View32 Web Server

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The following is a list of all the mobile stations heard on RF in the past 60 minutes.

'+' or '-' before a callsign means that it it is a UI-View station
'*' after a callsign means that it was heard via a digi

There are 7 callsigns in the list, click a callsign to get an information page for that station

CallsignSymbolLocation KmBearingLast heard
 CT1AFS-9*Car40.30.61N 008.24.64W157,9328mai 05 15:43
 CT1ENI-9*Car38.36.43N 009.11.90W172,2244mai 05 15:45
 CT2GKS-9*Car38.41.42N 008.05.95W90,0221mai 05 15:19
 CT2HIB-7*Jogger38.54.09N 008.38.20W114,1247mai 05 15:33
 CT2HWP-9*Car40.11.63N 008.24.27W129,3320mai 05 14:46
 CT2IKKKenwood39.30.83N 007.38.71W29,8320mai 05 15:43
 CT2IUL-7*Home38.33.43N 008.57.81W157,3239mai 05 15:39

This page has been accessed 85 times.
It was last modified 2003-ago-09 20:51:08 UTC